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About us.

How we came to fruition!

Our story starts back in 1856 when a man named john locke was walking down a road in Berlin Germany when his shoes started falling apart at the seams. He thought to himself many times, why can't we just make a really good pair of shoes? This is when he got together with a group of friends and started designing what is to be known as the best pair of shoes. Every little detail accounted for, the highest quality materials and the best comfort. Unfortunately, before the shoes were finished, john tragically passed away of the black plague. But his shoe blueprints still lived on. Later on, almost 150 years later, john's legacy and blueprints were passed on through his family until one day, one of his family members decided to make the shoe. The shoe was amazing, one of the best pair of shoes they ever wore. The shoes were sold to family and friends alike for a long time until they decided to finally open up to market. Named after the greek god of love, the eros shoes were born.